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Nancy Boeckx


Prof. Nancy Boeckx graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven in 1995. From 1995 to 2001, she specialized in Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Biology) at the same University. In 2006, she received her PhD. degree at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) with her doctoral thesis ‘Molecular and flow cytometric diagnostics for evaluation of therapy efficacy in myeloid leukaemia’.

Since 2001, she a staff member at the Department of Laboratory Medicine (University Hospitals Leuven). Her main focus is supervising haematological laboratory tests (morphology/cytology of blood, bone marrow and body fluids, including digital microscopy, automated cell counting of blood and body fluids, flow cytometric immunophenotyping of haematological malignancies, and molecular analysis with a focus on CML monitoring). Since 2006, she has been appointed Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of KU Leuven.

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